

Basic firearms instruction by Larry Arnold. See my Dietert Center Club Ed classes.

Other Club Ed classes

  • Buying Your First Handgun isn't about what I think you should get, it's to give you information you can use to make your own selection.
  • Winning the Self-Defense Encounter This class will focus on self-defense strategy for the concealed handgun licensee, but it's also applicable for those using other self-defense methods.
  • Don't Change My Story! Or what should happen when an editor works over your perfect prose Step through the editing process with someone who has experience on both sides of the process, both as a fiction and newspaper editor and as a published author.
The Mark of Abel

The Mark of Abel

My novel, published by Zumaya Publishing.

Today's Texas women are as independent as they are modern. Gabrielle telecommutes for a magazine. Merry runs a crisis center. Sandalin plays the harp and wins medals for shooting. Their friendship runs as deep as the Guadalupe River. When unspeakable violence rocks Denim County, that alliance is their lifeline.


Fun Stuff

Web essays.

Gun Stuff

Gun Stuff

Firearm Information.