Firearms Training Offered
Scheduled Courses
Invitation to Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, and Parents
Nothing I teach is secret. It is my policy to allow any elected official or law enforcement officer to monitor any of my classes. If you are the parent of a Hunter Education student you are welcome to audit that class free of charge.
Dietert Center Club Ed
To sign up for a Club Ed class, contact the Dietert Center at (830) 792-4044 or email They are located at 451 Guadalupe St. in Kerrville. Their website is Class sizes are often limited.Texas License to Carry a Handgun Course
Certified by Texas Department of Public Safety Qualified Handgun Instructor:
- Saturday, April 12, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Saturday, May 24, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Saturday, June 28, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Saturday, July 12, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Texas is one of the 27 states where you can carry a handgun without a license.
However, getting a Texas LTC has several advantages. You can use your Texas license to carry in many states which have reciprocity agreements. There are several locations where you can carry with a LTC, but not without one. Taking the LTC class will give you valuable information about where you can carry, what self-defense acts can be justified to keep you out of jail, and how to interact with law enforcement.
This is the Department of Public Safety certified course required to qualify for a new Texas LTC. The one-session, 6-hour class will be taught in the Mildner Classroom at the Buck and Bull Club range, and is limited to 12 students. Make sure you receive a class information page.
Texas Hunter Education Course
Certified by a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Hunter Education Master Instructor.
NOTE: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department now has an online registration system for Hunter Education classes. Once you sign up with Club Ed, you must also register with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at the TPWD link.
Club Ed classes are:
- March 15-16, 2025, Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. TPWD link
- May 3-4, 2025, Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. TPWD link
- June 14-15, 2025, Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. TPWD link
- August 16-17, 2025, Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. TPWD link
The Texas Hunter Education class covers wildlife conservation and management, firearm safety, being a responsible and ethical hunter, safety in the field, Texas hunting laws, preparation and survival skills, and wildlife identification. Texas hunters born after September 1971 must successfully complete a hunter’s education course in order to hunt, and it's required in other states for everyone. Texas certification is valid everywhere in North America.
Contact me, or check the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website for more Hunter Education scheduling and other information.
Buying Your First Handgun
- Classroom Thursday, March 27, 2025, 6-8 p.m. Range session Saturday, March 29, 2025.
- Classroom Thursday, August 28, 2025, 6-8 p.m. Range session Saturday, August 30, 2025.
This class won't tell you what gun I think you should buy; it's about helping you make up your own mind about what firearm to select, based on your needs. Classroom sessions will help you identify what firearm you want, learn how to shop for it, and find training on how to shoot it. In the hands-on session at the shooting range you'll get to fire several different types of handguns and learn how to handle them safely.
Winning the Self-Defense Encounter:
- Thursday, July 22, 2025, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Don't Change My Story! Or what should happen when an editor works over your perfect prose:
- Thursday, August 7, 2025, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Go to the Club Ed website to sign up for my classes, or to see what else they offer.
Private Classes
Individual and Group Training
Normally I teach these classes at the Buck & Bull Club, but I am available for a class at your location if it is safe and suitable. href="contact.htm">Contact me to set a date.
New Shooter Classes
Individual and group training in pistol and rifle for beginning shooters. These four-hour courses are taught on an individual basis with one or two students, and provide training on how to safely handle and competently fire a particular firearm.
License to Carry a Handgun
I will teach License to Carry a Handgun classes for two to twelve students. I offer a 10 percent discount for four or more students.
Texas Hunter Education
For Hunter Education, if you can get a group of six or more together, I can schedule a class at your convenience, and within the Hill Country at your location. I will need a classroom, but not a shooting range.
TCOLE Retired Officer Requalification
As a Texas Qualified Handgun Instructor I am authorized to conduct the shooting practical required to maintain a Retired Federal or Out-of-State Officer Firearms Card. Download your required certificate.
For more detailed LEO Requalification information.
For more information contact Larry Arnold.
Texas School Safety Course
The state-approved training for Texas school employees with a license to carry. The class is 15 to 20 hours of instruction, including the shooting under stress test and the written final examination.
Note: Graduates of this class must recieve written authorization from their employer before carrying on the premises of their school.
For more detailed School Safety Class information.
Public Speaking
I am available for public speaking engagements on firearms and gun rights related subjects. In particular I have a half-hour PowerPoint All About Texas License to Carry program suitable for breakfast or lunch meetings.