Student Information

The Buck & Bull Club Range
The Buck & Bull Club is a private gun club with about a hundred members. Facilities include:
- Rifle and pistol ranges, including 7 yards; 25, 50, and 100 meters; and 200 yards.
- Handgun Metallic Silhouette range. Silhouette is a competition where you shoot handguns at steel silhouettes of animals at ranges between 40 and 100 meters.
- Shotgun ranges for sporting clays
- Bill Mildner classroom
- Restrooms
Programs for the public include:
- Firearms instruction, including rifle, shotgun, and handgun.
- Silhouette competition, second Saturday of the month.
- Sporting Clays, first and third Saturdays, second and fourth Wednesdays.
- Women on Target through Club Ed, in the Fall semester.